The Cake Boss

Miss Mini Boss and Mr. Smarty Pants are big fans of The Food Network. Their favorite shows are Ace of Cakes, Food Network Challenge, The Next Food Network Star and Unwrapped. When TLC picked up The Cake Boss, we started watching it out of curiosity. It was an instant hit in our household. Lilly recognized Buddy Valastro (The Boss) from the Food Network Challenge. When the kids figured out that Carlo’s Bakery was in Jersey their first question was, “When can we go there?” (Notice it wasn’t a “can we…” question. It was a “when…” question.)
Last week, we hopped in the car and drove to Jersey City for a day trip to the Liberty Science Center in Jersey City. I decided to surprise them with a stop at Carlo’s Bake Shop in nearby Hoboken. They were giddy with excitement when they realized where they were. “Can we see Buddy?”
We walked into the bakery heaven and were drooling over the seemingly endless row of pastries. A loud, Jersey-girl type in front of us asked, “So…is ‘The Boss’ here?” The woman behind the counter mumbled something about him being unavailable, so I disappointed the kids by telling them Buddy wasn’t there. They were cool with that because cupcakes were in their near future.
We ordered some cupcakes when three Italian blue-hairs walk in. They were loud, too. One of them shared a birthday with Sinatra and all were big fans and they wanted an elaborate Frank Sinatra cake for an upcoming party. They wanted to meet Buddy and they wanted to be on TV. Buddy’s sister was talking to the ladies and I overheard her say, “Buddy isn’t the ONLY star of the show, you know. It’s a show about the family.” I had to laugh…it was adorable. Buddy’s sister left the room and the women started complaining about how they’re not being taken seriously enough and about how the people in the bakery didn’t realize how much money they wanted to spend and how elaborate this cake should be, etc…
Meanwhile, a mom and her three attractive, curly-haired daughters walk in the store. One of them looks at the girl behind her counter and says in a tone that couldn’t be refused, “Can we meet Buddy?” Wouldn’t you know it…not two minutes later my kiddoss see Buddy walking down the stairs in the back. “Buddy’s here!!!” They forgot about their cupcakes and ran to the back of the store to meet him. Miss Mini Boss said, “Congratulations on your Food Network Challenge win.” Buddy said, “Oh! Did you see that? Thank you very much!” He agreed to pose for a picture with Miss Mini Boss and Mr. Smarty Pants. You could tell he was kind of embarrassed by people asking for pictures and autographs. The kids were thrilled with how nice he was.
Last week, we hopped in the car and drove to Jersey City for a day trip to the Liberty Science Center in Jersey City. I decided to surprise them with a stop at Carlo’s Bake Shop in nearby Hoboken. They were giddy with excitement when they realized where they were. “Can we see Buddy?”
We walked into the bakery heaven and were drooling over the seemingly endless row of pastries. A loud, Jersey-girl type in front of us asked, “So…is ‘The Boss’ here?” The woman behind the counter mumbled something about him being unavailable, so I disappointed the kids by telling them Buddy wasn’t there. They were cool with that because cupcakes were in their near future.
We ordered some cupcakes when three Italian blue-hairs walk in. They were loud, too. One of them shared a birthday with Sinatra and all were big fans and they wanted an elaborate Frank Sinatra cake for an upcoming party. They wanted to meet Buddy and they wanted to be on TV. Buddy’s sister was talking to the ladies and I overheard her say, “Buddy isn’t the ONLY star of the show, you know. It’s a show about the family.” I had to laugh…it was adorable. Buddy’s sister left the room and the women started complaining about how they’re not being taken seriously enough and about how the people in the bakery didn’t realize how much money they wanted to spend and how elaborate this cake should be, etc…
Meanwhile, a mom and her three attractive, curly-haired daughters walk in the store. One of them looks at the girl behind her counter and says in a tone that couldn’t be refused, “Can we meet Buddy?” Wouldn’t you know it…not two minutes later my kiddoss see Buddy walking down the stairs in the back. “Buddy’s here!!!” They forgot about their cupcakes and ran to the back of the store to meet him. Miss Mini Boss said, “Congratulations on your Food Network Challenge win.” Buddy said, “Oh! Did you see that? Thank you very much!” He agreed to pose for a picture with Miss Mini Boss and Mr. Smarty Pants. You could tell he was kind of embarrassed by people asking for pictures and autographs. The kids were thrilled with how nice he was.
Three days later, Miss Mini Boss still can’t stop talking about meeting him…so far this was the highlight of her summer.
We did make it to Liberty Science Center. It was fun…but, not the climax of the day. If I would’ve known that, I would’ve just taken them to the Bake Shop and called it a day.
LOVE "The Cake Boss," and he is Abby's favorite too. She aspires to be a pastry chef - after she graduates high school two years early, attends culinary school, and apprentices with the likes of Buddy or Duff!