Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad Week

I updated my blog last August. The topic was about us being "paper pregnant". We received an adoption referral of an adorable little boy. We've been receiving monthly updates on him, including pictures, for the past three months. We've been preparing a room for him. We've been sharing his picture with close friends and family. We've been dreaming about him and imagining him in our family. We've been waiting for a court date so we can go meet him and obtain legal guardianship of him. We finally received a phone call...but not the phone call we were expecting. We have an update, and it's not good news. I guess the easiest way to put this is that we've had a "paper miscarriage", aka failed adoption. I don't feel free to share the reasons we were told, but "C" (as we'll call him) has been taken off the international adoption list. And that's that. End of story. The end. Finis. To be completely honest...